Corporate communication

Corporate communication:

 Koudsi™ is specialized in three forms of corporate communication: 

Internal communication, Marketing communication, and Crisis communication.

 Effectively, Koudsi Consultancy can help you with the following points:

Internal communication: 

  •  Organising professional training courses and coaching events.
  • Design and organization of internal digital presentations and meetings.
  • Design and development of a specific product or CD presentations.
  • Special intercultural West-East courses (up to maximum 7 people per course), meant for companies doing business in Gulf Commonwealth Countries in general. Bureau Koudsi™ is specialized in the Oil industry. Please visit: , , for more information.

 Marketing communication: 

  • Corporate networking. Research companies, products market positions.
  • Media planning: coordinating of advertisement campaigns.
  • Design and development of general or specific CD and PowerPoint presentations.
  • Design and realization of brochures, leaflets and other promotional material.
  • Representing companies at congresses and events.
  • Specialized, technical translations from and into English, Dutch, and Arabic for the Oil and Gas industry, as well as for real estate developement sector.

Crisis communication:

  •  Consultancy in making evacuations plans for populated buildings, including design and productions of signage, and evacuation maps.
  • Implementation of a company policy.
  • Design and visualization of safety measures and instructions for companies, working procedures and products.
  • Organisation of intercultural education for managers and employees with various nationalities alongside mediation.